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Beta Xi

American University

Oct 2nd, 1937

Founding Date

On October 2, 1937, Alpha Sigma Chi at American University became Beta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi. The petition was granted just as college closed, too late for installation in the spring, but the Executive Board decided to delegate to the Washington Alumnae Chapter the pleasant duty of recruiting members who could arrange to wait over for the ceremony. This responsibility was extremely fitting as it is largely thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of the Washington Alumnae that the charter was granted. On a cool June night in historic Georgetown, Washington Alpha Phis came to a mellow and gracious house with the charm peculiar to old and much-lived-in houses. The Washington Alpha Phis represented chapters from coast to coast and were greeted by Gladys Moon Jones (Gamma-DePauw) the hostess and envied owner of all that beauty. Mrs. Jones provided a rare mahogany table and a pair of antique two-branched candlesticks and the recruiting moved outside to the star-lit old garden covered in beautiful vines. Gladys Moon Jones welcomed the new chapter and reminded the attendees of women's changed status and the consequent necessity of planning their lives so that the important things shall not be crowded out by the multitude of irksome things one thinks they must do. 


After Jones, Claudine MacDonald (Beta-Northwestern), the golden voice of NBC came all the way from New York City to tell how much the Fraternity had meant to her. In the quiet fragrant garden, seemingly too removed from the busy city of which it is a part, the familiar words of the new member ceremony seemed especially lovely. Afterwards there was a party with refreshments and Japanese lanterns.