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Delta Upsilon

Baldwin Wallace University

Nov 20th, 1964

Founding Date

Ohio’s sixth collegiate chapter, Delta Upsilon, was installed the weekend of November 20 at Baldwin Wallace. 


The events of the weekend began Friday evening with a pre-initiation ceremony performed by the Beta Omega chapter from Kent State University. The evening’s program was planned by Elma Cochran (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green).


The initiation ceremony was performed Saturday morning in the Baldwin Wallace Chapel by Kent State (Beta Omega). Thirty-two collegiate and forty-seven alumnae members were initiated.


The model meeting was held following a luncheon Saturday afternoon. Representatives from Beta Omicron led the meeting in which representatives from Denison (Beta Kappa) and Kent State (Beta Omega) took part.


Saturday’s activities ended with the presentation of the chapter charter by Billie Keeton Turner (Beta Zeta-Idaho), former director of extension; Mary Carr Boyd (Omicron-Missouri), special adviser to the Delta Upsilon chapter, and Irene Rose Moore (Beta Alpha-Illinois), director of programs. The initiation banquet was held following the installation. Normal Humel Gerace (Beta Kappa-Denison), served as toastmistress for the evening, and Irene Rose Moore spoke on “Alpha Phi, My Fraternity.” 


The initiates attended church together Sunday and then were honored at a reception for faculty, friends and parents. General chairmen for the weekend were Mrs. Donald Kilb (Iota-Wisconsin) and Jean Bowen (Rho-Ohio State).