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Beta Zeta

University of Idaho

Jun 12th, 1928

Founding Date

Pi Sigma Rho was seated at lunch on May 19, 1928 and the house President Grace Jain seemed unusually quiet. She announced a general house meeting would take place immediately after lunch, and the fellow Pi Sigma Rho members feared the worst. When she spoke, Grace said, “Each girl, place her hand over her mouth and hang onto her chair,” and then she read from a slip of yellow paper. “Take great pleasure in informing you that your petition has been accepted by the Fraternity. Please let us know when your final exams begin and when school closes so we may plan to install chapter before Convention.” The excitement int eh room was palpable, and it was the beginning of the Beta Zeta chapter in Manitoba. The women chose to announce their news of the upcoming Alpha Phi installation through their campus tradition of a serenade. With their dean’s permission, they called the Alpha Tau Omega house and Johnny Soden’s Orchestra. At 11:30, the Pi Sigma Rhos jumped onto a truck and the serenading began. In between songs, they shared the announcement of Pi Sigma Rho being granted a charter in Alpha Phi and the news spread quickly.

Alumnae and graduates of the organization, who were eligible to be initiated, came in for the occasion. Other groups sent them notes of congratulations as the alumnae helped prepare for installation at the Hotel Moscow on Wednesday evening. The first official Beta Zeta chapter member wedding took place the next day with Rowena Hansen tying the knot with John Leudke, a Sigma Chi of Chicago, and the chapter house was decorated beautifully for the occasion.